
Captain of your Ship – What Truckers SHould KNow

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC Captain of the ShipCaptain of the Ship if what you are. I cant believe that drivers are actually asking if they have the right to refuse a load in bad or dangerous weather. The fact of the matter is most truck drivers do not know what their rights are. Some are under the impression that…

Bruce Outridge Trucking View

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking TalkCDL and the Led Pedal Podcast Bruce Outridge Trucking ViewBruce Outridge Trucking View. Troy and Ruthann would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to send TalkCDL mail, pictures, videos and ideas. If you are looking to be on the show please contact us through Facebook at sending us…

Trucking Career is better than a college degree

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Trucker Schools and Costs All about Trucking All about Trucking A million way to mess it up Trucking Career is better than a College Degree. But don't mess it up. There are many ways to mess that golden ticket up in your wallet. here are just a few tickets that will screw…

Ron Pratt – Wrecker King – the Interview

Ron Pratt - Wrecker King Ron Pratt - The Wrecker KingRon Pratt - The Wrecker King. We sat down with Ron Pratt and talked about how he has picked up hundreds if not thousands of semi trucks. When a tractor trailer rolls over in Missouri, the authorities call men like Ron Pratt to bring out their big wreckers and flip…

Long Haul Banditz INterview

Long Haul Banditz Interview All about Trucking Mission Statement Long Haul Banditz have a mission statement. This statement is like a code or a way of life. They suggest if you want to join the Banditz, to just read the statement. Then read it again and if you agree with the statement you are a Long Haul Bandit. Here…

Heart Attack on the Road – The Chelsee Interview

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC Chelsee in PinkHeart Attack on the Road - The Chelsee Interview. You can find her on Facebook at She is a new driver in the industry but not new to trucking. Chelsee has been working for RTI for some time now as a recruiter. She got the itch to start driving and did what any…

Fight Over Truckers Dog

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Was the driver right or wrong? The argument continued when TalkCDL's Troy Austin asked his co-host Ruthann what she had thought of a trucker tying his dog to his rig while he used the truck stop for a shower? She was in disagreement with the trucker because she does not believe in…

Trucking News with Ruthann 1/20/2019

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC Trucking News with Ruthann Trucking News with Ruthann. Are you a trucker that likes to sing? There is a contest going on where you can enter. Thats right, if you like to sing and would like to be heard then tune in to this weeks podcast. There is a Trucker Singing contest that is looking…

Ruthann – Interview with Women in Trucking

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC Social Media Women in Trucking!Ruthann - Interview with "Women in Trucking". As Ruthann and Deb spoke she revealed that she is on image team for the Women in Trucking. She handles much of the social media like Facebook and other parts of the internet. She also handles interviews and all the while being fully supported…

Trucking NewS – Driving for the Cartel – Drivers Wanted

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Gainville Accident The recent accident in Gainesville Florida was tragic and many lives were lost. The authorities have announced that the blame is going to the north bound truck driver. The driver is said to have made an abrupt swerve taking a car across the medium and killing another trucker. My opinion…

Dumb Trucker Scammed

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC Dumb Trucker Scammed. Truckers that are lonely should think twice before engaging with companions on the internet. This is the story of a trucker that fell for a common scam. There are many scammers that will send you an email claiming to either have money or are in need of someone to rescue them. Its…